Use of 3D Modeling, Rendring and Visualisation, in a design strategic prosess


Brainstorming and sketches

When challenges and goals are described, we find different angels to how to solve these through visualisation and concept sketches.

In a design strategic prosess, the challenges needs to be mapped as early as possible. Easy sketches, mood boards and concept sketches are necessary to visualise an approach to the challenges.


3D modeling and Visualisations

We use different type of visualisation techniques. From Adobe programs, to more heavy 3D programming in Maya Autodesk and Rhino 3D. All depending on needs and what the client want to achieve. 3D modeling, rendering and animation can be a useful help before deciding to continue to prototype or small scale productions.


Prototypes and production

Forming ideas and sketches into physical sculptures is always fun and intriguing. Prototypes can be made in all kinds of material and sizes, from paper or lego, to more complex rapid prototyping for testing material quality.

Depending on the project, we handle different types of rapid prototyping. Often changes will be made to get the final result as perfect as possible.




Guitar Stand